How it all started

As CEO/ President of Life Foundation I would like to share the reason behind founding of Life foundation.  My name is Javaid Awan and it is because the incidents I came across in my life that I started this organization.I am also one of those victims and believe in the phrase “Blessing in Disguise”. I took this phrase as a turning point in my life to start Life Foundation to help and provide services on humanitarian grounds to those patients who are not having excess and means to save their loved one.

Two heartbreaking incidents happened in which due to loss of blood I lost two wonderful people, the first being my ex-college student and the second my younger sister.  I

In 1992, one of my ex-college student passed away due before the blood transfusion — his death was due to excess loss of blood due to road accident, it took us more than 08 hours to arrange the blood for him — another incident happened to my own younger sister of age 10 years and was admitted in Mayo Hospital for heart disease. We were not able to arrange 4-5 blood bags to save her life, at that time to arrange blood for my sister I requested lot of people  family members, and friends, only students from Government College Lahore and Government Civil Lines  college came along with me as a volunteers, but I couldn’t save my sister due to more blood required , these two incidents in my life provoke me to having a setup for those needy people, this way I might be able to minimize some misery and give comfort to those people who suffer a lot by losing their loved ones.

The idea was given a stand from my college Mansoorah Lahore where I managed to get support from students , colleagues and management. They all contributed whole heartedly for this Nobel cause and this marked the start of the journey.

Whenever anybody required the blood for any patient, I contact the concern blood group person through call and sms messages and request to donate the blood, this way the journey toward LIFE FOUNDATUION came into existing.

In 2012, I enhance this work through Lahore city in colleges and universities so that all the data can be compiled from the donors for the help of needy patients in hospital and walk in requests. I got incredible response which encourages me a lot. The aim and purpose of LIFE FOUNDATION is to help the poor and needy patients, covering a some tenure I had to face lot of problems during this process of recognition and registration as applied in 2011, I am very much thanks to GOD that we got our registration in April 2014 only for one year.

In 2011 Dengue Virus was spread throughout Pakistan, Life foundation helped the patients of Dengue, we render our service to more than 700 dengue patient. This era of saving life for Dengue Patients was solely done by me day and night and through this personal efforts created awareness in the local market. Without working zeal and zest, this organization was known and now approximately 40k donors are registered with LIFE Foundation Lahore Pakistan. Currently these donors are contact through latest support of information technology ”

I look forward for all the Support, Blessing, Guidance and Prayers, which we can get to have the organizational beneficial to the needy patients.

I remain, God bless you all.


Prof Javaid Awan