Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Donation

Q. Who can donate blood?
Ans. Any healthy individual can donate blood. Before taking blood, some questions related to your health will be asked to make sure that you can donate blood.
Q. Can I donate blood if I had jaundice previously?
Ans. No, if you have a history of jaundice in the past, you need to be screened for hepatitis before donating blood.
Q. Do I have enough blood in my body to donate?
Ans. Yes. The body contains 10 to 12 pints of blood.
Q. How much blood is taken?
Ans. For a whole blood donation, approximately one pint (which weighs about one pound-up to 500 ml) is collected.
Q. How often can I donate?
Ans. The interval between blood donations should be at least 8 weeks.
Q. Is there anything I should do before I donate?
Ans. Be sure to eat well at your regular mealtimes and drink plenty of fluids.
Q. Will donating blood hurt?
Ans. No more than a pinch in the beginning! Our skilled technologists make donating blood as painless and comfortable as possible.
Q. Can I develop infections like hepatitis or HIV (AIDS Virus) when I donate blood?
Ans. No each blood bag and its needle are sterile and disposable.
Q. How much time does it take for my body to replace the blood that I donated?
Ans. Not long at all. The volume of fluids will adjust within a few hours of your donation. The red blood cells will be replaced within a few weeks.
Q. What should I eat or drink after donation?
Ans. You should drink plenty of fluids during the first few hours following the donation. As for food, you can have your own regular meals.
Q. Can I smoke after donation?
Ans. Smoking is better avoided for at least 2 hours after donating blood because it may result in dizziness and a fainting attack. Remember, smoking is dangerous to your health anyway!
Q. What type of tests is performed on donated blood?
Ans. After blood is drawn, it is tested for Blood Group, Hepatitis B & C, HIV (AIDS Virus) and certain other infectious diseases to ensure the donor and the patient’s safety.
Q. How long will my blood be stored for in the blood bank after collection?
Ans. Each unit of whole blood may be separated into several components. Blood may be stored up to 35 days. However, at SKMCH&RC, blood is utilized shortly after collection.
Q. What do I have to do if I want to donate?
Ans. Please contact the Life Foundation Blood Bank to donate. You may fill in the registration form to register yourself in the Life Foundation Blood Donors Club in order to become a regular donor.